Today, sadly, is our last working day at Pasado's Safe Haven. I worked at Kitty City doing the regular chores. I did a lot of laundry and then Nat and I walked down the to storage barn to get some t-shirts. After lunch we went back to our chores and ended our shifts early today because it was raining a lot and there wasn't much to do. As our last day I think we are going to go to get some ice cream later.

Overall I have had an awesome experience here. I've learned a lot about animals, farming and all about how different people live their lives. I am very glad to have done this externship and I am excited to keep in contact with Pasado's and be up to date with all of the animals!
A poster we made to thank them!
Today, by far, was a very interesting day. It started off as a regular farming day, going to the Old Barn, then the NARN Barn, then pigs and what not. The interesting parts of my day usually happen around 10 o'clock when all of the chores are done. When you are in farm your duties also consist of cleaning out anything that someone needs help with like the people barn.
So there is this couch that smells very bad and they moved it out of someone's office and we needed to go and take it down to storage so it could be moved out of the way. Marc, the farm lead, Nat and I loaded the couch in the Am-mooo-lance (a box truck) and went down to storage. It is this huge barn with storage things and around it is a bunch of mud because its kind of a ways away from the main part of Pasado's. After dropping off the couch Marc thought he would be able to maneuver through this mud on a little bit of a slanted hill. Turns out, he couldn't. Resulting in the box truck becoming stuck, and the three of us having to walk back to the People Barn to get another truck and something to tow with. We got Jennifer and Amy and went down to get the moving truck unstuck. It took 5 tries. Rubber was defined burned and I'm pretty sure they now need new tires for the truck and the am-mooo-lance.
That was a very eventful part of our day. Anyways, after that we went to lunch, and came back to give all of the animals lettuce. Surprisingly every single farm animal will eat lettuce. I tried to find one animal that didn't but I did not succeed. After that we went to dust chickens for lice. Catching them is a very interesting task, but when they were caught we were able to see all of the lice crawl out of their bodies. (It's really gross) That pretty much concludes my working day. Today was my last day of farm and tomorrow I will be doing cats again, as my last day at Pasado's! Ill write tomorrow!   
We cleaned the ducks pools.
It's stuck.
Nat did a braid on Charlie! Now he's a unicorn.
Wilbur is happily sleeping. :)
Today is officially my last day working at kitty city. Although I will stop by and check in I'm glad to be moving on to something else for my final days working at Pasados. Also I wanted to make sure that I wasn't sounding as if I was complaining about anything I was doing during my days at work. I have loved it all. Although some days are more fun then others, I have to get used to a work environment. After we finished our duties in kitty city we went to help Diane with the other interns with the dogs. Pasados got a call last night that a lady wasn't able to feed her pets anymore and she needed help. Pasados helps anyone who asks for it. So we all piled 10 bags of dog food and a couple bags of cat food into Diane's car and went to her house. She was a very nice lady, she had a gigantic dog and a baby cat. She is blind in one eye so she cannot drive anymore. Also she doesn't live in the safest area so she is afraid to leave her home. Her animals were healthy and she was so greatful for what we did for her. We did a good deed today that made us all feel pretty good inside. When we got back I checked up on the cats and got their evening food prepared. Camille and I were alone today in kitty city because there was a problem with one of the llamas. I'm not sure what was wrong but she wouldn't walk around. I also don't know if they fixed the problem either. So it's blog posting time again. We are working on a poster to say thank you to all of the caretakers and volunteers for everything. We're working on printing pictures out but it's sort of difficult because I keep having to fix the printer and the computer. The only thing everyone uses the computers for are to check their emails. But anyways that's what I'm working on. Tomorrow Nat and I are working our last time on farm. Work work work!
The cat we delivered food too!
Our schedule from our trip!
The morning started out with cats. Heidi, the cat lead, was sick today so I worked by myself. I cleaned all the rooms, fed the cats, did the laundry, etc. It was a chill morning. Yesterday I said we were going to plant trees, I guess we are going to do that tomorrow. Since I was bored I joined Camille and Nat, we had to remove all of the mulch from the chicken coop. When you step on mulch it condences, so it was very hard when we had to remove it ALL from three different areas of one coop. It hurts the chickens feet, it gives them bumble foot, so we are going to replace it with sand. Did you know that roosters are chickens but chickens are not roosters? Anyways it took a very very long time to get all of the mulch out, and under the mulch there were rocks. There was a ton to move, so I am pretty much exhusted. But that was only before lunch. After lunch we went to the horses and groomed them. There is one horse with a perminent trachiotomy, so he has a hole in his neck. They are very big animals, it's very intimidating to be right next to them. After we brushed them we went back to Pasados and I checked up on the cats again. Now I'm here, in the People Barn, writing my blog, ready to go and chill at the intern house. Well thats all for now. I'll write tomorrow!  
Workin hard or hardly workin?
Today is the day of our presentation! We have been working on it for a while and we're ready to present. Dana made a slide show that they have used in the past for outreach events. The presentation is one hour long and was infront of a group of K-5 elementary schoolers. We brought Gezelle with us, she is Dana's dog, who also lives in the intern house. A nice volunteer drove us all the way to this school in Seattle so she could watch and see if outreach would be what she wants to do. The presentation went well. They were young and had a lot of...interesting questions/personal stories. We were able to teach them about what to do and what not to do to animals. We presented in an auditorium and they were surprisingly well behaved. They listened the whole time, asked questions during and even after the presentation. I was very glad I did that presentation for the school and for Pasados. Later we drove home and relaxed for the rest of our "shift" because technically today was a work day. So we don't have anymore days off and we only have a couple of days left. Tomorrow I will be working cats in the morning and then planting trees in the afternoon. Ill write tomorrow!!
At the school!
Today, our Sunday, we went to Seattle again! We wanted to go to this certain store, it's called Uwajimaya and it is a Japanese grocery store. It was so amazing to walk around and get cool things! We ended up eating lunch there and getting a couple of fun things. We then drove to the international district, and china town where we got boba! Walking around was tiring so we got back in the car and drove around for a couple of hours. It was raining the whole day today. When we tried to go back to Monroe we got very lost, there was a ton of traffic. It wasn't fun. So after hours of driving around we finally made it back to the intern house. Exhausted, we still need to work on our presentation which is what we will be doing all night tonight. Tomorrow is our Monday, after the presentation we might go to work, or we might not. Ill write tomorrow!
China town!!
Live seafood!
This blog post is going to be quite uneventful compared to some of the others. We woke up very late this morning because we haven't slept in, in a long time. We then made some pancakes which was very delicious. After that we went to the store because again we were running low on some food. We got some boba, drove around and then came back to the intern house to work on our presentation. So in two days we are going to be presenting to about 30 elementary schoolers about Pasado's and about animal safety. The presentation is going to be one hour long! That is what majority of today was designated towards, we will be practicing more later. Well that's pretty much it. We are going to the international district tomorrow in Seattle! Ill make sure to take pictures!
The front doors to Pasados!
A nice view!
So I was looking at my other blog posts today and I realized that all of them began with today. So I'll start with something else, this morning I knew I was on farm and I was super excited to learn something new. I learned so much today I don't even know where to start. When we first got there we went to the "Old Barn" and fed the two ponies, two goats and one llama. We let them out and then continued to the NARN Barn. (Im not sure what that stands for) Anyways we repeated the same stepts for the pigs, llamas, cats, roosters, chickens, and we even went to feed the horses. There is a new baby llama that is super cute! We did so much today its hard to remeber everything. Oh well we also cleaned out the old barn storage room and took everything that needed to be kept to the storage barn. We also found some glass windows that needed to be scrapped for parts so we threw rocks at the glass. Don't worry we had safety goggles. Mark, the one who showed Nat and I all of this, took us back down to the horses. The area with the horses is about 2 miles away so we were there for the rest of the afternoon. We groomed their hooves, fet them again, cleaned all poop and re-arranged the area with the hay. There are also two llamas by the horses, did you know that llamas poop in one place only? It is quite helpful. So our afternoon was filled with poop and food. What a lovely combination. Working with that took us until the end of the day. Tomorrow is the start of my weekend, I'm super excited about roaming Washington!
Feeding time.
The Kubota!!
So much poop!!!!
Today started off as another day at Kitty City! As usual we got together everyone's breakfast and started cleaning. They built a moving shelf/table that can roll on top of two of the kitty litter boxes along the side. It makes it so that it doesn't smell so bad, and that way there are more spaces for the kitties to lay down. After cleaning the cat's area we were able to go with Jennifer and make bird feeders. We braided twine so it could hang near their perch. When we got to one of the coops there was a lot of blood from yesterday because of when we trimmed their nails. So it was my job to clean the bloody area and the bloody perches. After that today was designated geese and duck beautification. We had to run around this in closed area catching 6 different mean geese, including Crystal and Meth. We took the same kind of information down and we weighted them. Amy, the pig lead, also took us over to see the fire pigs and some other pigs. There are two gigantic ones that love grass and all of the other pigs love eggs! All of this took majority of the afternoon along with moving piles of dirt into the chicken yard so that we can plant some grass for them to eat. This process was very exhausting because we first had to remove all of the sand that was there in the first place and  put dirt in its place. We didn't finish today, so we will probably have to finish tomorrow. I am very tired and all I want right about now is to go to sleep. (I wish)
Tomorrow Nat and I are very excited because we are going to be working farm with Mark! I'll write tomorrow!!
700 pound pigs!!
Moo I love you.
Today was an interesting day. We all woke up and went to work, I started out working at Kitty City. I did everything that I have explained before, mostly just cleaning. I am in love with this one cat, her name is Moo, because she looks like a cow, so cute. Anyways she is incontinent so she has to have a bath every day. She is super sweet and amazing to be around. So I finished cleaning all rooms by around 9ish and went on a walk with three dogs to a near-by park. Opie, Marlen, and Rusty were well behaved and overall the walk went well. In the afternoon it gets boring in Kitty City so I joined with Amy, the pig lead, Jessica, the bird lead, Camille, Nat and I all went to do bird beautification. We would individually go, catch the chicken/rooster, cut its nails, check for; lice, dry pox, wet pox, its breathing and any skin discoloration. We did this to about 35 chickens/roosters, it was a very fun afternoon. A lot of birds that have been rescued aren't in the best condition, and they try not to have any animal born at Pasado's because that isn't their main goal. I got to learn a lot of fun facts today about chickens and roosters! Today was very exciting I'm glad I was able to partake! Tomorrow I might do dogs or cats...we will see. Write soon.
Clipping their nails