Today, by far, was a very interesting day. It started off as a regular farming day, going to the Old Barn, then the NARN Barn, then pigs and what not. The interesting parts of my day usually happen around 10 o'clock when all of the chores are done. When you are in farm your duties also consist of cleaning out anything that someone needs help with like the people barn.
So there is this couch that smells very bad and they moved it out of someone's office and we needed to go and take it down to storage so it could be moved out of the way. Marc, the farm lead, Nat and I loaded the couch in the Am-mooo-lance (a box truck) and went down to storage. It is this huge barn with storage things and around it is a bunch of mud because its kind of a ways away from the main part of Pasado's. After dropping off the couch Marc thought he would be able to maneuver through this mud on a little bit of a slanted hill. Turns out, he couldn't. Resulting in the box truck becoming stuck, and the three of us having to walk back to the People Barn to get another truck and something to tow with. We got Jennifer and Amy and went down to get the moving truck unstuck. It took 5 tries. Rubber was defined burned and I'm pretty sure they now need new tires for the truck and the am-mooo-lance.
That was a very eventful part of our day. Anyways, after that we went to lunch, and came back to give all of the animals lettuce. Surprisingly every single farm animal will eat lettuce. I tried to find one animal that didn't but I did not succeed. After that we went to dust chickens for lice. Catching them is a very interesting task, but when they were caught we were able to see all of the lice crawl out of their bodies. (It's really gross) That pretty much concludes my working day. Today was my last day of farm and tomorrow I will be doing cats again, as my last day at Pasado's! Ill write tomorrow!   
We cleaned the ducks pools.
It's stuck.
Nat did a braid on Charlie! Now he's a unicorn.
Wilbur is happily sleeping. :)

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