Today is the day of our presentation! We have been working on it for a while and we're ready to present. Dana made a slide show that they have used in the past for outreach events. The presentation is one hour long and was infront of a group of K-5 elementary schoolers. We brought Gezelle with us, she is Dana's dog, who also lives in the intern house. A nice volunteer drove us all the way to this school in Seattle so she could watch and see if outreach would be what she wants to do. The presentation went well. They were young and had a lot of...interesting questions/personal stories. We were able to teach them about what to do and what not to do to animals. We presented in an auditorium and they were surprisingly well behaved. They listened the whole time, asked questions during and even after the presentation. I was very glad I did that presentation for the school and for Pasados. Later we drove home and relaxed for the rest of our "shift" because technically today was a work day. So we don't have anymore days off and we only have a couple of days left. Tomorrow I will be working cats in the morning and then planting trees in the afternoon. Ill write tomorrow!!
At the school!

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