Today, our Sunday, we went to Seattle again! We wanted to go to this certain store, it's called Uwajimaya and it is a Japanese grocery store. It was so amazing to walk around and get cool things! We ended up eating lunch there and getting a couple of fun things. We then drove to the international district, and china town where we got boba! Walking around was tiring so we got back in the car and drove around for a couple of hours. It was raining the whole day today. When we tried to go back to Monroe we got very lost, there was a ton of traffic. It wasn't fun. So after hours of driving around we finally made it back to the intern house. Exhausted, we still need to work on our presentation which is what we will be doing all night tonight. Tomorrow is our Monday, after the presentation we might go to work, or we might not. Ill write tomorrow!
China town!!
Live seafood!

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