Today, I was on farm!!! At first, we went to the farm animals' houses and let them roam free. We also fed them breakfast and cleaned their areas. These animals included: pigs, geese, chickens, llamas, horses, and goats. After that, we helped clean out what will be the farm animals' Med Shed. There was a lot of stuff to either be disposed of, or organized in the storage barn. After lunch, we went to the horse farm to help clean out their hay sheds. Throughout the day, I learned many interesting facts. About llamas, for example, I learned two main things. 1) when their ears are forward, they are comfortable, when back, they are anxious. 2) they poop, generally, in the same spot, which makes it super easy to clean! It was a lot of work, but it was a lot of fun to be able to work with so many of the animals in one day!

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